AS-IS Business Process A business process review will document the AS-IS or existing business process. The primary objective is to uncover inefficient and ineffective processes that should be eliminated. It can also be used to uncover requirements for a new system based on what is needed to fix the problems and based on what works well. Another objective would be to understand the impact of the problems, which can lead to a business case when benefits are identified and calculated in eliminating the problems. An ideal time to do a business process review is when an organization’s existing systems need […]

Scale AI
Scale AI is Canada’s artificial intelligence (AI) Global Innovation Cluster dedicated to boosting industry performance by leveraging AI technologies to improve value chains, with a specific focus on building resilient and sustainable supply chains. Sale AI Funding Scale AI is funded from the Governments of Canada and Quebec as well from the private sector through membership fees and strategic partnerships. The Government of Canada’s contribution to Scale AI amounted to $230M over 5 years, from April 1, 2018 until March 31, 2023. Additional funding of $53.4M has been granted by the Government of Québec. They have already funded $700M in […]

Not Just The Top 10 ERP Systems
Some consultants will identify the top 10 ERP systems or just consider them in software selection projects. These systems have the largest customer base and typically have: Modern user interfaces Invested large sums in R&D to take advantage of new technology like AI. Invested large sums in security. But should you also consider lesser-known systems that cater to a specific industry? Advantages of Lesser-Known ERP Systems They are usually industry specific and also include business processes optimized for the industry and industry experts to implement the system. Licensing and implementation are usually less expensive. They are often less difficult to […]

Let’s assume you’re looking for an independent consultant to assist you in selecting a new ERP system. One question to answer is how do you know they are independent. Take a look at a Blog from the Enterprise Spectator or some insights which include: Conflicts of Interest per Enterprise Spectator Does the firm offer services to tech providers? Do they have a partner or alliances page? If so, are tech providers listed? Does the consultant also offer implementation services for specific vendors? Are their blog posts and white papers truly thought leadership reports, or are they mostly puff pieces for […]
ERP Software Sunset: Navigating Dynamics GP End of Life
Unfortunately, when it comes to ERP sunsets, they are not as beautiful as the sunsets you might see over a lake at the cottage like the one above. The big sunset story comes from Microsoft that announced in September 2024 that it will end support for Dynamics Great Plains (Dynamics GP) on September 30, 2029. Security patches will be available until April 30, 2031. It’s not time to panic if you have Dynamics GP, but it is time to consider your options. The truth is that sooner or later you will need to move to another solution. Those of us […]
Migrating your ERP on-premise software to the cloud
There is a big push by the ERP vendors to convince their clients to migrate their on-premise software to the cloud. The vendors have selfish reasons to promote the cloud, but they also give compelling reasons to their clients to do it. There is resistance if everything now is mostly working and it’s going to cost a lot to do it. This article is not going to try and convince you to go to the cloud as there are more than enough reasons already in the public domain. From our perspective, it’s only a matter of time before you jump […]
ERP Implementation Tips and Traps
We will be providing a series of articles with tips and traps to avoid based on ourexperience.Vendors have a defined process to implement their systems that could includecompleting a form to define your needs (a discovery process). The problem is thatthe sales team has not done a proper hand-over to the implementation team. Ineffect, you are starting all over again, which is a waste of time. But that’s not thebiggest problem with this approach. The biggest problem is that the implementer isnot aware of your specific requirements and may not address them until well intothe implementation process when they find […]
ERP Implementation Project Management Consultants
The rubber hits the road when you implement an ERP system. You need to be ready for it, which requires you to define the roles and responsibilities for the project and assign people to each role. It is best to use your own people for all roles with the possible exception of the project manager. Many organizations don’t have the internal project management expertise, or their resources are not available. Therefore, it makes sense to bring in an expert who has been there and done it before to help you mitigate the risks and guide you to a successful implementation. […]
Upgrade your ERP Software
Many companies avoid an ERP upgrade like they would a plague especially if it involved redoing any customizations, which could break on the upgrade and will require retesting. But unfortunately, there will come a time when you have no choice when the vendor no longer supports your version of the software. What do you do? One option would be to replace the existing system, but that’s drastic and would only be justified if: The vendor is not investing in the software and you’re not able to take advantage of newer technology such as a web interface, multi-tenant architecture and AI. […]
AI Project Management Hype